
Jump, stretch and free yourself in a wondrous world of classical music and modern physical movements.
Choral or occasionally accompanied by simple toy instruments, two performers sing themes by Bach and other tunes, using body language and “baby voices” to open up the imagination of babies and toddlers. As the enchanting performance moves on, an engaging interactive game begins where young children react to sounds and rhythms tapped out by the diverting duo.
Companhia de Musica Teatral (CMT) is renowned for its childre’s productions and workshops, which have received great acclaim across Europe and the USA, and are supported by solid academic research. In this delightful performance, the pioneering art group takes inspiration from Bach’s famous Goldberg Variations and striking musical sounds to create entertaining sketches suitable for very young children and their parents. With stage and audience seating intertwined, up-close interaction with performers is effectively utilized while memorable melodies, cheerful toys and eye-catching instruments energise children’s senses and curiosity, helping to develop observation, creative thinking and emotional expression. An arts experience that inspires a whole new universe for little ones!