Prometheus Bound

A ground-breaking tragi-comedy exploring
the nature of humanity and divinity
Commissioned by the New Vision Arts Festival
World première
Prometheus, a Titan deity, helps Zeus become supreme ruler of the Olympian gods. However, Zeus is enraged when Prometheus disobeys his orders and steals fire to give to the people on Earth, propelling them towards civilisation. In retribution, Zeus chains Prometheus to a cliff in the Caucasus to suffer the extremes of biting cold and blazing sun; and the agony caused by an eagle pecking out his liver each day. When Prometheus refuses to reveal who will overthrow Zeus, even greater punishment ensues…
Prometheus Bound was originally penned by Greek playwright Aeschylus (524-456 BC), also referred to as “the father of tragedy”. In this production, Li Liuyi, hailed as one of China’s most influential theatre directors today, unearths the absurdism in the epic play, delving into the lives, behaviours, thoughts and personalities of “gods” while taking an ironic look at the making of a “hero”. Colourful and satirical, the reinterpretation offers a fresh take on the ancient tragedy.
Drawing on both Chinese philosophy and traditional opera, Li’s renowned “pure drama” theory places emphasis on the performer and characteristics of the human spirit. He launched the “Li Liuyi – Made in China” project in 2012, tracing the roots of civilisation by returning to the origins of theatre and human nature. Antigone and Oedipus the King were presented at Singapore’s Huayi – Chinese Festival of Arts and the National Centre for the Performing Arts in Beijing respectively, garnering acclaim for their minimalist and poetic stage design embracing Chinese and Western aesthetics, past and present. In this programme, Li once again teams up with National Class One actor Lin Xiyue, twice nominated for a Plum Blossom Award, stage designer Gong Xun, a Wenhua Award winner, and Oscar-winning costume designer Emi Wada, to reconstruct the classic through his cutting-edge approach.
Translator:Luo Niansheng
Director:Li Liuyi
Costume Design Consultant:Emi Wada
Stage Design:Gong Xun
Lighting Design:Chen Xiaji
Costume Design:Michelle L Li
Lead Actor:Lin Xiyue
Cast:Wan Qianhui; Jampa Tseten; Jing Xi; Fu Pengxu; Guo Peng; 毛雲飛; 鄭盛聰; 李志鵬; 呂明俊; 羅百佑; 何家豪; 李智般; 丁潔; 劉瑤
裝置:杜鑫; 劉袁潔
英文字幕:李正欣; 梁麗榆(改編自 Herbert Weir Smyth 1926 年出版的英文譯本)
Note:This event record is compiled from "Hong Kong Theatre Yearbook 2016 – Dance, Drama and Xiqu" published by International Association of Theatre Critics (Hong Kong).