Parken & Nikolaïs Celebration

In the humorous Parken, a prince in search of the princess of his dreams travels to a magical park where all kinds of bizarre scenes ensue. Well-to-do people in outlandish outfits throw a party, a rowdy family sits down for a hilarious picnic, and an ill-fated pig bumps into a young gang of ruffians. Even Santa Claus can be found trapped in this surrealistic place where everything and anything seems likely to happen! Nikolaïs Celebration, comprising works from the repertoire of dance virtuoso Alwin Nikolaïs, creates an imaginative feast for the senses. Three delectable cakes revolve on stage as if appearing in flamboyant evening dress. Clad in gigantic rubber suits, dancers twist and turn into a multitude of shapes and forms. As a group, they swarm like bees, generating an amazing visual experience through different types of movement.
Choreographers:Mats Ek (Parken); Alwin Nikolaïs (Nikolaïs Celebration)
Note:This event record is compiled from "Hong Kong Dance Yearbook 2011" published by Hong Kong Dance Sector Joint Conference.