The Unforgettable Chapter

A departure without farewell that leaves unendurable wounds
A father takes his life without bidding farewell, leaving behind his widow and three children. Years later, once the middle daughter leaves to set up her own home, her mother suddenly moves in, barging into her life and reuniting the siblings. When they open a book that’s connected to their late father, the past rushes back. Surviving family members heal their wounds in different ways, but who can recover from such a heartbreak?
Director:Octavian Chan
Set and Costume Designer:Cecelia Cheung
Lighting Designer:Kinphen Leung
Music and Sound Designer:Chan Wing Kit
Cast:Mandy Yiu; Ceci Chan; Cissy Ma; Chiu Chin Hei; Danielle Chan; Sherin Cheung; Lincoln Lee; Titania Lo; Regan Tong; Ernest Lam
Director:Pauly Lee
Executive Director:Crystal Li
Technical Director:David Wan
Stage Manager:Martin Leung
Details of other production units are only available in Chinese
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