“Heaven Behind the Door II” + “Mo Ngaan Tai”

Heaven Behind the Door II
If everyone can preserve their own sanctuary, in the light and the shadows of uncertainty, how far could we go? Would we be able to find our own place in the end?
Heaven Behind the Door II is Chloe WONG’s latest work. It was created during recent years in Hong Kong when the youth and other citizens began courageously to speak up for freedom. It questions how one’s beliefs and rights are challenged and combines dance, text, sound, light projection, and scenographic concepts.
Mo Ngaan Tai
Naked, uncovered and undisguised – perhaps this is all that can be seen on the stage. When bodies are the only medium, what is the connection between the audience and the dancers, exposing their naked sculptural bodies to the air? Speechless communication? A long-searched-for echo? Or apathetic examination?
The selected generation of the times, something we cannot deny. Some scream and shout; some run away; some enjoy themselves; while others seek stability.
When each individual entity stands alone, what does harmony in diversity mean? Thousands of millions of people thinking like each other or seeking harmony while embracing their different ways of thinking? Perhaps, when topics like sex, freedom and human rights are no longer considered taboo by society, harmony in diversity will truly arrive.
Music:Moon YIP Cheuk Tong; LEUNG Po Wing
Lighting︰Chloe WONG Ching-ting; Bert WONG
Costume︰Chloe WONG Ching-ting
Props:Aya MOK
Dancers:Gabbie CHAN; Cyrus HUI; Rain CHAN; Evans LUI
Devising Dancers:Jessica HO; PAK Wei Ming; POON CHun Ho; Sabrina WONG