The Sounds of Finland – Kantele vs Electro-folk

Finland’s highly popular zither-linked kantele possesses an array of musical possibilities. Folk or classical, jazz or rock, the multi-stringed instrument with its bell-like resonances and a history of more than one thousand years injects zest and crossover potential to all. In this fascinating concert, singer-songwriter Maija Kauhanen, recipient of the 2017 Critics’ Spurs award for best artistic breakthrough from the Finnish Critics’ Association, showcases traditional kantele folk music with a contemporary twist. Combining a rare plectrum technique with a charismatic voice, extended songs, and imaginative vision, the mesmerising performer, together with electro-folk band Okra Playground, draws on the past to create distinctive soundscapes for today that both challenge and captivate audiences.
Kantele:Maija Kauhanen [Finland]; Essi Muikku [Finland]
Violin:Päivi Hirvonen [Finland]
Bowed Harp Jouhikko:Päivi Hirvonen [Finland]
Electric Bass:Sami Kujala [Finland]
Accordion:Veikko Muikku [Finland]
Synthesiser:Veikko Muikku [Finland]
Percussion:Oskari Lehtonen [Finland]