After (City)
Visual Arts

This fussy curatorial write-up hinges on some possible thought-form for further interpretation and realization of U.F.O., the festive event, which took place in Fang Lijun Artspace, embracing macro views, discourses and practices for glocal communication and networked exchange.
The project after (city) launched in the community-based JCCAC Art Village, is not an exhaustive orchestration or conceptual inquiry of globalization with illustrations of unique project; but rather, the display of conceptual model, painting, inflatable sculpture, video installation and photographic works of artist/ architect, micro views/ conceptions of city, be it generic or specific, communal or social, theoretical or conceptual…., are interrogated in this third stage of urbanization after post-modernism, which I coined “after (city)”. (See Andrew Lam ed., MOST (Vol. IV- Biennale Projects- Asia World City), pp. 406-7)
after (city) fabricates or presents parallel, peripheral, ephemeral or leftover condition of artist interest; it defies planning or architectural paradigm as renewed urban strategy. after (city) celebrates humanistic diversity and fussy sensitivity.
The exhibition trajectories subjective and unconscious attitude, premature thought-form, and hinges on a platform of possibility, without a purpose-built discursive negotiation of our infra-structuring situation in the 21st Century. Exhibits are all but tale-derived, fantasy-based, imaginative-cum-philosophical, not necessarily utopian, territorial, materialistic, or realistic. Architect/ Artist’ formative cultivation of ideated attitude in a post-modern era underscores the various informal, individual, grass-rooted, humorous, sensuous, irrational, metaphysical, idiosyncratic, glocal means for intra/ inter/ city communication and refreshing, cross-cultural x/ change.
Note:This event record is compiled from "Hong Kong Visual Arts Yearbook 2013" published by Department of Fine Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.