
Bending laws of science, shifting paradigms of art
Sounds from an unheard underwater world
Drawn by the boundless possibilities of the unknown, physicists, vocalists, audio engineers, neuroscientists, deep-sea divers, and musical instrument makers have gathered their collective talents to create this extraordinary 100% sound-soaked concert, performed by the world’s first underwater orchestra.
Playing music and singing while submerged. Changing breathing and panting into part of the composition. Hearing water shearing, oxygen escaping… plunging humans into interaction with nature in frontier-breaking forms.
In their eerily melodious and original soundscape, Danish innovators Between Music immerse audiences in the realm between the possible and impossible, turning binary thinking into multi-fathomed perspectives. Through continuous research and experimentation over 10 years, the breathtaking group has also built up a collection of novel instruments – carbon-fibre violins, underwater crystallophone, hurdy-gurdy rotacorda, and others – custom-made for subaqueous music-making. Prepare to traverse fresh and resonant horizons in an unmissable aesthetic experience.