“Do You Sing? Dare To Sing! II” By Orange A Cappella

Local ensemble Orange A Cappella performed with a group of workshop participants to sing out their aspirations in a finale performance last year. This August, Orange will return to present an upbeat show entitled “Do You Sing? Dare to Sing! II”, with the young alumni from last year’s workshop joining as mentors to guide new talents through a new chapter of a cappella music.
“Do You Sing? Dare to Sing! II”, to be conducted in Cantonese, is one of the programmes of the large-scale summer festival International Arts Carnival (IAC) presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. The concert will run from August 15 to 17 at Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre Theatre.
In the concerts, innovative a cappella styles will be combined with percussion, movement and theatrics to display boundless enthusiasm about the pursuance of dreams. A wide-ranging repertoire of original songs and covers will be performed.