HOTPOT Hong Kong Focus II

“Folding Echoes”
“Joseph Lee gets the pad-special-award for extra strong presence on stage, highest energy of acting, interactive depiction power and absolute physical precision!”
International Performance Festival, Mainz, Germany
How do we deem the world?
How does the world define our perception of it?
What does it mean by norm/regularity/understanding?
Can I still create anything in the known world?
It is originated from audiences’ urge to “understand” a contemporary dance performance in general across cultures, and the way that they connect the performance with their own experience, and the possibilities for a language to convey or interrupt the meanings of movements and dance.
“The 16th Day”
“I really appreciated her use of sound and lighting in this work, they go well with the subtle yet strong repetitive gestures of the dancer, creating a dark and mythical atmosphere that is pretty impressive.”
William Chan@ Hong Kong Dance Journal
The special lighting and sound effects activate a dialogue between the work and its audience into the world of insomnia. The choreographer abandons traditional moves and tries to create a new form of beauty, a unison of mind and body, an unconventional move, which started from the vellication of head. It is not only a personal story but it also questions about in what way the society affects our personal values and how to break with the traditional meaning of “beauty”.
The 16th day was commissioned and produced by the Hong Kong Arts Festival and was premiered at The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series 2016.
“Xin Xiang”
The concept behind the dance piece is related to a traditional Chinese image, the tree as a symbol of existence and a representation of the philosophy of life – self – realization, resilience and self-contentment.
"Folding Echoes"
Choreography and Direction:Joseph Lee
Lighting Design:Tze Yu Lai
Sound Design:Hin Lo
Sound System Design:Jonathan Lee
Photo:Steve Li@June's Production
"The 16th Day"
Choreography and Direction:Chan Hiu Ling Gabbie
Lighting Design:Goh Boo Ann
Sound Design:Max Chan
Photo:Keith Hiro@Hong Kong Arts Festival 2016
"Xin Xiang"
Choreography and Direction:Chow Pui Wan Pewan
Set Design:Takuya Shimada; Chow Pui Wan Pewan
Lighting Design:Leo Cheung
Costume Design:Amy Wong
Sound Design:Arnold Dreyblatt; Ryuichi Sakamoto; Alva Noto
Photo:Monica Hong