Jazz Masterclass – Masaru Uchibori

Jazz Masterclass is one of the programmes of the “Jazz-Go-Central, Jazz-Go-Fringe” project, co-ordinated by the Fringe Club and the Saturday Night Jazz Orchestra (SNJO). Japanese big band arranger Masaru Uchibori will conduct a masterclass on Big Band arrangement for band-members.
The masterclass will be divided into three parts:
1) The Saturday Night Jazz Orchestra will play the original scores of Take the A Train by Duke Ellington and or April in Paris by Count Basie followed by Uchibori-san’s arrangement. After listening, Uchibori-san will illustrate the making process and how he come up with such arrangement
2) Unchibori-san will then talk about basic music theory, harmony, rhythm, format and Big Band style.
3) SNJO will play different Big Band scores from old swing band to contemporary Big Band with Uchibori-san’s comments.
It’s open to the public to sit-in as audience. Musicians are also invited to be the participants, bring your own instrument to play together or replacing SNJO member’s seat.
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