Li Biao Conducts The Butterfly Lovers

Hailed as the “Number One Percussionist” of Asia, Li Biao changes his mallets for the baton to conduct the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra!
Sharing the concert stage with him will be the DoubleBeats duo, formed by renowned young Chinese percussionist Ni Fan and German percussionist Lukas Böhm, who will make magical sounds with innovative techniques; Huang Mengla, winner of the First Prize at the Paganini International Violin Competition and an eye-catching violinist of international repute, will play the tragic love story of The Butterfly Lovers on his strings; and the premier Chinese drummer Yim Hok Man, who will play the Chiu Chow Gongs and Drums to showcase the charm of this powerful instrument. Such a strong line-up of virtuosi promises to make the occasion a musical feast too rare to miss!
Violin:Huang Mengla [China]
Percussion:Ni Fan [China]; Lukas Böhm [Germany]
On the Drum:Yim Hok Man
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