
“Ngoh” is the name of the ethnic group in the south of Thailand. They are Austro-Asiatic (look like Africans). They lifestyle are still primitive. People always look down them as an uncivilization people.
In the legend of Sangkh Tong(The Golden Conch), the hero Sangkh Tong receives magical Ngoh Masked armor. When he puts on the mask he transforms into a Ngoh Warrios who happens to be a total raving lunatic with black woolly hair and jet-black skin.
Sangkh Tong learned special spells to call fish and animals to eat. King Sa Mon was calling all men in his kingdom for his youngest daughter, Rojna, to find a mate. Sangkh Tong, as the last man in the kingdom, disguised as the Ngoh and was chosen, which drove King Sa Mon mad so he sent Rojna and Ngoh into exile…
This performance, an adaptation from a legendary Thai literature, Sangkh Tong, talks about Ngoh’s desire to really exist, not only as raving and strange looking person but also as a beautiful person hidden behind a mask. When Ngoh is at his wit’s end, he shows himself to the world as a person of equal rights and integrity. He has to find his way to live his life, to prove his love for Rojna, to overcome injustice and discrimination.