Nuova Barberia Carloni

Get ready for a trip to the hairdressers as you have never experienced before. Three Italian barbers are launching a salon and throwing a big opening party. In this entertaining, modern-day take on barbershops of yesteryear, the wicked barbers not only cut hair and shave beards but also play amazing music with various instruments while performing zany stunts. Here, dance routines, juggling, and even dentistry are just part of the diverting service.
For daring customers, there are free, off-the-wall hairstyles, or the salon’s very own hair restorative! But don’t get too comfortable in that barber’s chair, as you might find it taking to the air!
The crazily talented trio from Teatro Necessario have been busy establishing branches in Europe and the USA over the past years. Now Nuova Barberia Carloni opens in Hong Kong, welcoming customers of all ages – and hairstyles – into their fun-filled world!