Prospects Theatre Journey of the Classics VI: From Textbook to Stageplay II Drama in Practice Project (Primary and Secondary)

Reference articles of the Chinese Language curriculum are used as the starting point of the performance script. The content of the articles are played out in a theatrical format, based on the six elements of play put forward by Aristotle, i.e. character, plot, thought, diction, spectacle and music. As students comprehend the articles, the process would involve more than just the traditional one-way teaching by teachers. Instead, students would be able to make use of their imagination in drama creation, picturing the image of the characters in their mind, or even break away from the shackles of time and space, turning mundane reality into a realm of beauty and surrealism, which in turn could bring new interpretation and meaning to the original texts.
According to the concept “From Page to Stage” believed by Prospects Theatre, the finale stage production is essential. Students could experience the charisma of theatre and learn about team spirit, which are beneficial to the development of the youth. Participating students in this project will each get three performance opportunities: in-school, for the community and at the finale performance.