Romance of The Three Kingdoms

Yang Yuntao drew inspiration from Romance of the Three Kingdoms, one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature to create an epic dance theatre of the same title. Combining dance with Chinese opera and theatre elements, Yang painted the thrilling tales of chivalry on stage. Romance of the Three Kingdoms is China’s most outstanding historical novel. It drew on real figures and events from the Three Kingdoms period and embellished them with imagination, immortalising history for posterity through fiction. The Three Kingdoms (220-265 AD) accounted for merely 45 years in Chinese history. This short period, no more than a split second out of the long timeline of civilisation, created more heroes, legends and awe-inspiring personalities than any other period.
Note:This event record is compiled from "Hong Kong Dance Yearbook 2010" published by Hong Kong Dance Sector Joint Conference.