Compiled from the Performing Arts programmes* and Visual Arts exhibition records from HKADC’s Arts Yearbooks and Annual Arts Survey projects dating from 2010.

Zuni Icosahedron Social Theatre “The Divine Comedy of Capitalism Iron Lady And Save Jobs” Performance Cum Post-Performance Discussion


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Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Studio Theatre



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Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Studio Theatre

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Zuni Icosahedron Social Theatre “The Divine Comedy of Capitalism Iron Lady And Save Jobs” Performance Cum Post-Performance Discussion

2012/13 Arts Experience Scheme for Senior Secondary Students



The Divine Comedy of Capitalism is a theatre burlesque inspired by Dante’s epic poem, The Divine Comedy in a framework of liberal studies. Halfway along the journey of her life, lost in a dark wood and unable to find the right way, our heroine iRon Lady, an icon in our free market economy, chanced upon the gate of hell ideologically. Fortunately, she was rescued by Save Jobs, the wizard of cool gadgets and technology in the realm of consumerism. Under the guidance of the master, the iRon Lady upgraded her gizmo to iRon Nano, iRon 4S, and finally became the New iRon Lady, as they took their course from Capitalism to Communism. The scenery and colours along the way changed from gold in shiny glitters to green of the dollar bill, and eventually into blood and vermillion red. Is Master Save Jobs leading iRon Lady from hell to heaven, or casting her into the inferno abyss from heaven? Or, the worst is yet to come? Is there another hell beyond this one?

Performing / Production Unit Zuni Icosahedron
Language : Cantonese
Artistic Directors:Danny Ying; Mathias Woo
Playwrights:Pamela Tsui; Mathias Woo
Director:Mathias Woo
Design:Mathias Woo
Producer:Wong Yue Wai
Cast:Carmen Wu; Denny Wong; Carson Chung; Kao Jo Shan; Pang I Ting
Stage Manager:Chow Chun Yin
Deputy Stage Manager:Carmen Cheng
Production Manager:Lawrence Lee
Assistant Set Designer:Issac Wong
Lighting Designer:Chiu Ching Yi
Sound Designer:Candog Ha
Music:Edgar Hung
Lyrics:Cedric Chan
Wardrobe:Twinny Cheng
Make-up:Lam Alex Workshop

Note:This event record is compiled from "Hong Kong Drama Yearbook 2012" published by International Association of Theatre Critics (Hong Kong).




Indoor / Outdoor


Local / Non-local Production


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