Compiled from the Performing Arts programmes* and Visual Arts exhibition records from HKADC’s Arts Yearbooks and Annual Arts Survey projects dating from 2010.

DanceArt Hong Kong


Established in 1995, DanceArt has been committed to the development of new genre of multi-arts contemporary dance theatre and arts promotion for the past 20 years. Since 2000, DanceArt has been a grant recipient of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, and its artistic achievement is highly recognized locally and overseas. The recent production, M-cident, was awarded Outstanding Independent Dance Production by the Hong Kong Dance Alliance Dance Awards in 2014.

Event Art Form

Dance, Theatre

Event records matching DanceArt Hong Kong in the databank

Sorted in anti-chronological order

Start Date
End Date
Art forms
Start Date: 2019/04/05
End Date: 2019/04/06
    Art forms:
  • Dance
  • Xiqu
Start Date: 2019/04/05
End Date: 2019/04/05
    Art forms:
  • Dance
  • Xiqu
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