Compiled from the Performing Arts programmes* and Visual Arts exhibition records from HKADC’s Arts Yearbooks and Annual Arts Survey projects dating from 2010.



The Nonsensemakers is an independent, professional drama company in Hong Kong. Registered as a charitable organisation in 2009 and funded by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council (HKADC) since 2014, the troupe has presented more than 100 productions and won an array of accolades from the Hong Kong Drama Awards. The Nonsensemakers is now one of the most active troupes in Hong Kong.

With a view to cultivating positivity, The Nonsensemakers is committed to producing innovative theatrical works grounded in real life that resonate with all audiences. Conveying a deep passion for our time and society, the productions lead audiences to contemplate the people and things around them and encourage them to embrace the wisdom of nonsense.

Event Art Form

Theatre, Visual Arts

Official Webpage

Event records matching Nonsensemakers in the databank

Sorted in anti-chronological order

Start Date
End Date
Art forms
Start Date: 2015/09/12
End Date: 2015/09/14
    Art forms:
  • Visual Arts
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