Compiled from the Performing Arts programmes* and Visual Arts exhibition records from HKADC’s Arts Yearbooks and Annual Arts Survey projects dating from 2010.

Paris Mozart Orchestra [France]


Founded in 2011 by conductor Claire Gibault, the Paris Mozart Orchestra (PMO) is a unique artistic enterprise – committed, daring and unanimous in its sense of purpose. Through challenging and innovative programming, commissioning and outreach, the PMO champions both classical and contemporary music while advancing the appeal and accessibility of all the arts in a generous spirit of open-hearted partnership.

Boldly exploring every new horizon, profoundly engaged and alive to every audience, the PMO is an orchestra like no other.

Event records matching Paris Mozart Orchestra [France] in the databank

Sorted in anti-chronological order

Start Date
End Date
Art forms
Start Date: 2019/05/08
End Date: 2019/05/08
    Art forms:
  • Music
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